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Christ Church Mayfair runs thanks to the service of many people but we are also fortunate to have a wonderful staff team.

Here are some words about each of them so that you can get an idea of the kind of people we are.

A photo of Matt Fuller
Matt Fuller
Senior Minister

Matt became a Christian during his time at university through the faithful lifestyle and witness of some friends. He met his wife Ceri there, although it took 7 years before he finally ground her down and she agreed to marry him. They are very grateful to God for their teenage son, who will imminently flee the nest.

Before training for ministry, Matt taught history and politics at secondary schools in Birmingham and London. He was on the staff of this church when it was planted in January 2001 and has had the enormous pleasure of seeing many people trust in Christ and grow in their faith during this time. He still enjoys reading History and Politics books (for fun!), and finds a curious satisfaction in writing books, but nothing gives him greater joy than seeing someone come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

A photo of Phil Allcock
Phil Allcock
Associate Minister

Phil grew up in a Christian home and is forever grateful to his parents for teaching him to trust in Jesus from an early age. He started working life as a lawyer in the city and was part of the original team that planted CCM back in 2001. Having trained for ministry and then planted a church in Clapham he’s delighted to be back!

Along the way he married his lovely wife Juliette and they have two little boys, Alfie and Archie, and a dog named Milo. Free time is spent trying to ensure the boys and the dog are sufficiently tired by the end of each day.

A photo of Sam Stephenson
Sam Stephenson
Student Minister

Sam grew up in South-West London, and looks back with huge thankfulness for his early years at Dundonald Church, where his parents and numerous patient Sunday School volunteers kept banging on about how Jesus died on the cross for his sins. That reality became increasingly precious to him over his teenage years, realising his own sin and own need for God’s mercy.

Being perennially unable to decide what to do with his life, he studied French, Maths, Italian and Music as an undergrad in Durham, but mostly spent his time rowing, developing a taste for Belgian beer and meeting his wife Katherine, with whom he shares four kids - Nathan, Ella, Toby and Jude. He started working for a church after uni, and planted Roehampton Student Church alongside an MA in Audiovisual Translation. He still doesn’t know what to do with his life, but loves pointing students to Jesus, and is excited to keep doing that as Student Minister at CCM.

A photo of Ben Slee
Ben Slee
Music Pastor

Ben is thankful for His Christian family, who brought him up to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord from a young age. God has preserved in his memory a conversation with his mum when he was four years old, where he first trusted that Jesus can take our guilt away through His death on the cross.

Ben is thankful too for the youth leaders and pastors who have cared for him growing up, through studying music in London, and since joining the team at CCM in 2014. He and his wife, Sarah, are thankful for their two children Abigail and Elijah.

A photo of Phil Short
Phil Short
Youth Pastor

Phil is eternally grateful for the extraordinary grace and mercy the Lord has shown him throughout his life, particularly being raised in a Christian home by parents who faithfully taught him the good news about Jesus. He continues to be thankful for all the people who keep pointing him to the hope that can only be found in knowing Christ.

Before joining the staff team to train in full-time ministry, Phil was a professional guitarist, touring and recording with a range of artists, lecturing in performance, technique and theory, and writing a regular column for an industry publication. As thankful as he is for the gift of music and the opportunities the Lord gave him, none of these come close to the joy Phil has found in teaching others about the riches of God’s grace and mercy.

A photo of Lauren Burns
Lauren Burns
Women’s Ministry Coordinator

Lauren grew up in a Christian home and is thankful for her parents who taught her about Jesus and modelled with their lives what trust in him looked like. She came to trust Jesus for herself in her late teens and then really grew in her own understanding at university.

Before joining the staff team at CCM, Lauren worked in student ministry for 6 years in Durham and Cambridge followed by 3 years of women's ministry at a church in Tunbridge Wells. What she enjoys most is spending time reading the Bible with people one to one and growing in understanding together of what God has made known. She loves time in an art gallery and spending time with family and friends.

A photo of Milly Döring
Milly Döring
Pastoral Staff

Milly grew up going to church but drifted away during her teens. She was challenged by Christian friends at university to look again at the claims of Jesus Christ and accepted, with great thanks, the gift of forgiveness and new life through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Milly has had the privilege of being at CCM since it began in 2001. She has seen how God has been at work at CCM since then, not least in bringing her husband Marc to know Him in 2003, shortly before they met for the first time! They have 3 children - Lucy, Guy and Abigail. Milly worked as a lawyer, then a legal recruiter. While bringing up their family, she has led bible studies and helped for five years with the church finances. Apart from enjoying family time, she loves to spend time with friends.

A photo of Roxana Stanciu
Roxana Stanciu
Director of Operations and Development

Roxana grew up in a Christian family and she is very grateful to her parents for modelling faith and for teaching her to trust Jesus. She is also very thankful for God’s saving grace and for the way in which He has worked in her life!

Roxana joined the CCM staff team in August 2023 and prior to that she served as a member of the senior leadership team of CARE, a Christian UK charity. Roxana moved to London in 2018 and before embarking on her UK adventure she spent a couple of years working in Brussels, Belgium. She is originally from Romania where she studied journalism and organisational health psychology and she believes she is an international at heart, given that at the moment she is also doing an MA at Wheaton College, USA.

In her free time Roxana enjoys long walks, reading, being in nature and having deep conversations about faith and life.

A photo of Mary Pfeiffer
Mary Pfeiffer
Children's Minister

Mary grew up in a Christian home, with her parents serving as missionaries. She is grateful that she had the privilege of being in many cultures and experiencing God's grace and love no matter the people or setting. She came to trust and believe in Jesus at the age of 14.

Before joining CCM, Mary worked as a Private Education/Business Consultant, and Education Specialist Trainer for her Local Authority. Prior to this, Mary worked with the DfE establishing local schools, and Heading Arts and Education Centres across Greenwich. Throughout the years, Mary has been involved with ministry leading seminars and discipleship groups, including children's work. In her free time, Mary loves to play the piano, garden or paint.

A photo of Carlyn MacDonald
Carlyn MacDonald

Carlyn grew up in Orkney, went to university in Edinburgh and moved to London in 2013.

She became a Christian in her teens, after always having a sense of God's presence from a young age. Before joining CCM she worked in the cinema industry, first as a projectionist and then in post-production. Having done several church and charity volunteer roles, she wanted to make this her career, and is very thankful to have joined the CCM team.

Outside of church, Carlyn's interests are theatre, playing video and board games, and her cat Elphie